Everyone always remembers their first kiss. Clumsy, passionate, tender or juicy, the kiss matters. Lips have a great number of nerve endings. Those nerve endings can signal the brain to release a flood of feel good hormones. 
You want that flood of hormones, trust me.
Be confident, read the signs and make the move. It doesn't matter if you've been married for ages. 
Brush your teeth. Have a mint (especially if you smoke) because... 
The kiss matters. 
Touch her face, run your fingers through her hair and build anticipation. Hover over her lips and let the desire to touch build. Touch slowly, be in the moment. If you notice she moves her head back, or pulls away, you could be misreading signals. Any subtle movement backward is a signal to wait, slow down. 
Proceed slowly, perhaps more time and talking is needed. Continue to build a safe environment and then slowly try again. 
This is absolutely not the time to go in for a feel.

Did you know that a man's saliva contains testosterone and that testosterone increases sex drive in a woman? The kiss really matters. 
Practice makes perfect.