The only thing that’s constant in this lifetime is change. You will grow and evolve and your partner will too. Your ability as a couple to welcome and support each other's growth will lead to less resistance and more love in your marriage. The trick is, not to fall in love with your idea of your partner or your idea of what that person could be. Love the person in front of you, every day, no matter what. The purpose of marriage is to unite with someone you love for the rest of your life. Time and again we’ve heard from couples that Niddah didn’t work for them and led to arguments, so they gave up. A common complaint is that Taharat Mishpacha lessons leave many gaps regarding sexual behavior.
Keeping Nidah is about transcending each other's physical forms, which enables you to find yourselves in each other. A preoccupation with physical form has the opposite effect. Both parties will end up lost in superficiality. Remember, marriage is understood to mean that the husband and wife are merging into a single soul. A man is considered "incomplete" if he is not married, as his soul is one part of a larger whole that remains to be unified in marriage.
You are created to have a relationship with Gd. You are not here to make a great name for yourself. You are here to know Gd.