Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical Wellness
You are not your body. You are not your thoughts. You are but a witness to this beautiful, tragic, hilarious human experience. You are part and parcel to life itself. The very breath within you is of Gd. You are no accident and you have a purpose. The question is; can you identify and live within that purpose? The endless search for meaning is constant and without purpose can lead to compulsion. Compulsive behaviors, addictions, overeating, overworking, overdrinking, porn etc. can be overcome. When you start to believe in the ability to separate your thoughts from your actions, problems naturally become smaller and solutions come into view. Compulsive behaviors are chasing a real need that is being suppressed. Do not seek to kill the need itself. Rather examine the need. Nurture it in a healthy and constructive way that serves your true purpose.