People hate going on diets! Human nature is incentive based. It refuses to change if that change provides less enjoyment or causes more distress than the current situation. Creating a clear understanding of our incentives will help us accept short term discomforts. In reality weight gain preoccupation affects intimacy. Apart from the possible loss of attraction from one or both partners, weight gain negatively impacts energy, has long term health risks and can be a real drag on your self image. 
Here are a few suggestions that when followed will yield results within days. 
When To Eat 
Break the Day Down to 3- 8 Hour Cycles 
Intake 12pm-8pm
Assimilation 8pm-4am 
Elimination 4am-12pm 
If you choose to stay on this diet long-term, you will inevitably reach a plateau. A plateau is when the body withholds weight loss because your exercise or work load exceeds the fat storage and the body senses death. The body remains committed to your survival and withholds calories by creating exhaustion so that you minimize your energy expenditure. You need only to keep going. This is a war. Eventually a breakthrough will occur and the weight loss will resume.
What To Eat 
Elimination Cycle: Only food high in water content is allowed. Water, Tea, Coffee, Vegetables, Fruit. The use of olive oil, seasonings, salt and pepper are permitted.
Intake Cycle: Choose a protein and a vegetable for the greatest yield for weight loss. Begin with NO SUGAR or starch. Starch breaks down into sugar and the body uses it for immediate fuel, canceling out the whole process. Protein and starch cannot be eaten together. Drink before your meals not during. Water that is consumed during a meal will bloat the system and slow digestion. Fruit cannot be eaten before or after a meal for 3 hours as it creates butane gas. Use fruits only during the elimination cycle. Nuts and seeds are acceptable at all times. 
If for some reason you do go off the diet, just go back on the next day, no drama. So you blew it, keep going. You'll see the damage corrected in a day or two. Weigh yourself in the morning only.
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