More About Sarah Fraser

After relocating from the US to Jerusalem, marrying and starting a family, Sarah sought out and studied under a number of of mentors and teachers including Rebbetzin Tspora Heller of Neve Yerushlayim, Rebbetzin Tehilla Abramov the world renowned author of “The Secret to Jewish Femininity” and the founder of the Jewish Marriage education (JME) institute, Rabbi Chaim Pincas Sheinberg, Rabbi Schomo Chaim Brevda and many other distinguished and accomplished Jewish educators and Sages. She also completed a Narrative Therapy certification program offered by the Israel Narrative Therapy Institute which was and is under the direction of Rabbi Zev Leff. Most recently Sarah received certification as a Life Coach, having completed a comprehensive training program offered by The Life Coach school under the direction of master teacher and coach Brooke Castillo.